St. Patrick may have brought Christianity to Ireland, but Colorado Springs brought horror to the St. Patrick's Day Parade on March 17th. The peace group were legally registered and had a permit from the parade organizers. However, when some saw some Teof the signs the group carried such as, "End This War Now," they thought the police should stop them and remove them from the parade route. It seems the message of peace was not in keeping with the theme of St. Patrick's Day.
The peace group, Pikes Peace Justice and Peace Commission were just starting to walk the parade route when the police told them "social issues" (which is highly subjective) were not allowed in the parade. They were also told the group didn't have a permit which they did. When police were angered the group was not leaving the route, they began to attack the peace organization.
Colorado Springs police and parade organizers pushed an elderly woman and then police dragged the diabetic woman who needs a cane down the street which caused her terrible bruising. Another woman was kneed in the back for helping someone, another man who was a former Catholic priest was choked by a so-called police officer and yet another cop was firing his taser at anyone out of fear and anger. Many in the crowd cheered at the brutality! I believe they felt it was in keeping with a day of family fun.
Seven of the peaceful group were arrested and released. They have a court date. None of the police were arrested who were attacking and threatening the group.
My advice is to avoid Colorado Springs or any area of the country where bigotry and narrow minded thinking reign supreme. They will not listen to reason, perhaps they will respond to $$$ pressures. Remember, this is the home to the likes of men like "Focus on the Family" James Dobson and Paul Cameron "Family Research Inst" and Ted Haggard. They've infected the people there to hate and despise anyone who has a reality based opinion. Hence the brutal force and support of the Colorado Springs police.